Настольная книга о проточной цитометрии, 4-е издание, 2003 г., 681 стр. (на английском языке). Файл слишком велик (75 Мб), чтобы разместить его на этом сайте. Чтобы получить электронную копию книги, обращайтесь к Владимиру Муханову (контакты здесь) или скачайте её с сайта http://www.coulterflow.com.
Live-cell studies of cellular DNA content and cell cycle distribution are useful to detect variations of growth patterns due to a variety of physical, chemical, or biological means, to monitor apoptosis, and to study tumor behavior and suppressor gene mechanisms. The Vybrant®DyeCycle™ stains, available as Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Violet stain, Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Green stain, and Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Orange stain, were designed to report DNA content in living cells. All Vybrant® DyeCycle™ stains are DNA selective, cell membrane permeant, and nonfluorescent until bound to double-stranded DNA. These dyes take advantage of the commonly available 488 nm and violet excitation sources, placing cell cycle studies within reach of all flow cytometrists.
Get the data you’ve been missing. These viability dyes are formaldehydefixable and available in a range of colors—now including one for your flow cytometer’s violet laser.
Three new Vybrant® DyeCycle™ stains for the fl ow cytometer—violetfluorescent, green-fl uorescent, and orange-fl uorescent—make it easy for you to get cell cycle data in live cells.
When annexin V conjugates aren’t compatible with your apoptosis assays, you can detect apoptotic cells by fl ow cytometry using a monomeric cyanine dye.
New kits for detecting changes in mitochondrial function, caspase activation, and cellular metabolic function allow you to build a more complete picture of apoptosis.
Whether your experiment calls for labeled primary antibodies, labeled secondary antibodies, or additional signal amplification methods, we have the tools to guarantee the brightest conjugates for every application and instrument.